Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Chapter 9: Against the Curing of Womanhood

In this chapter, Shalit is addressing how society is curing woman of rejection sensitivity and feelings. Being "intense" has become something bad and unacceptable. In the last paragraph, Shalit states that "Maybe wanting to forge bonds with others is normal, and it's cutting ourselves off from enduring attachments that is perverse...Incidentally, if you're not sensitive to rejection, doesn't that also mean you're indifferent to love?"

I think I agree with her. If one loves, it's supposed to be forever, and avoiding this feeling is abnormal. But what if this feeling of love is so deep that when the other breaks away, you can't do anything but take Prozac? Suppressing this love maybe wrong, but what if there is no way out of this rut? What can you do?

-Joy Jen


Group 4 said...

Well, I think when it comes to love you should be committed to loving that person forever. However, people should also be aware that not only can others feelings change, even though they may love you just in a different way, but your feelings for that person can change as well. I think people should not be scared to love someone and fall in love with someone because it is an amazing feeling. I have never been and never will be scared to let go and go for it, regardless of the outcome because I feel like you can learn something from everyone you've loved or will love. I'm not scared to get hurt because I think every person is a new learning experience that I can take something from to help me learn about myself.
-Brandon Kinlein

Anonymous said...

The one time I was head over heels in love I was crazy, or extremely "intense" as Shalit would put it. Now I look back and realize how insane I actually was and yet I do not regret it. I learned more in that one period of my life than any other. However, now I am also more hesitant to jump into a serious relationship. I have also realized that love comes with more thought and reasoning the second time around for me. I have grown up a lot from my first love and in many ways it is good, yet it is also sad that my loves are no longer so "intense."

~Chelle Dean

Group 4 said...

I was head over heels in love once too and extremely "intense" like Chelle said. I have to completely agree with everything she says, also. I did everything for this person and I felt good about going crazy for her because I was having so much fun being in love with her. She cheated on me and since then I have yet to be in a relationship at all, let alone a serious one, because I have been so picky since then. I'm not scared to be in a relationship it's just that I have yet to find someone that will just give in and go for it at the same time as me. I learned more from her and experienced so many things with her that I will never learn or experience again, and for that reason I don't regret how serious I was at all. I miss that feeling, but at the same time I want things to be perfect with the next person I decide to give it my all for.
Brandon Kinlein