Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Chapter 10: Modesty and the Erotic

In this chapter Shalit talks about reputation and how we do anything to appear normal. I agree with her claim that having sexual experience makes you normal. Today people try to make others believe they are sexually experienced for fear of being known as inexperienced. Why does it matter what other people think? Whose business is it anyway? This reminds me of high school where reputation is everything. The experienced girls were considered 'hot' while the girls who kept quiet about sex or didn't have it at all were 'goody-goodies'. My question is; why is promiscuity attractive to some men? I don't think that it is wrong but I believe being modest is more attractive and exciting. In my experience, playing hard to get is more fun. It keeps people interested and is a challenge. I'm not saying women should play games, but doesn't easy get boring? Although society causes girls to flaunt their sexual experience, I think classy is the new slutty.

-Lindsey Winesburg


Anonymous said...

I think people naturally want to be socially accepted, and if being accepted involves disrespect of yourself, then some people will definitely conform to societal views.

And I'm not a guy but I can guess why promiscuity is more attractive to men. It's easier and if women are flaunting themselves at men for acceptance and they actually are accepting them, then both sides become more immodest.

-Joy Jen

Group 4 said...

Promiscuity is attractive at times because it's like a for sure thing. Even though it might not be the most attractive thing to other girls, it can interest guys at times because they want to release some sexual energy maybe? I'd have to agree with you, though. The new slutty is classy. I am far more attracted to a girl that gives me a challenge than one who is extremely slutty or easy. High school was a lot different to me because that's when a lot of teenagers are discovering what goes where and what to do. A lot of girls did get a bad reputation for being a prude when in actuality, it was more attractive.

Brandon Kinlein

Anonymous said...

I guess I was one of those wierd girls. In high school I let everybody know that I had had little experience. I was out and open about nothing I guess. That's a new concept. Either my high school was wierd or I just didn't see what everybody else saw, becuase we definitely looked down on the slutty girls. They were in no way hot.
O well I can't say that I have never seen anybody conform by lieing in order to be normal. It definitely exists.

~chelle dean